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Professional Organizations

The mission of the American Academy of Pediatrics is to achieve optimal health for all Orange County children by promoting pediatric excellence
This Web site is primarily for clinicians with an interest in school health, whether as a practicing clinician involved in the intersection of health and education or as a school consultant responsible for school or district school health issues. This site is intended to provide technical assistance and relevant resources to support this interest.
APHA is the leading professional association that promotes and protects the health of all people
The mission of ASHA is to build the capacity of its members to plan, develop, coordinate, implement, evaluate, and advocate for effective school health strategies that contribute to optimal health and academic outcomes for all children and youth.
CSBA is a member-driven association that supports the governance team. CSBA develops, communicates and advocates the perspective of California school districts and county offices of education.
CSNO's goals are  to provide professional development, legislative advocacy, and communication among California's school nurses.
The CSNO Southern Section includes most of the greater Los Angeles areas and counties around Los Angeles. Our Liaison chapters include Los Angeles County, Los Angeles Council of School Nurses, Long Beach, San Bernardino/Riverside County, Orange County, and Ventura County.
The OCSNO supports Orange County School Nurses in the promotion of comprehensive school health programs and in professional and educational advancement
The NASN supports the health and educational success of children and youth by developing and providing leadership to advance school nursing practice by specialized registered nurses.