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Literacy and English Learner Support Services


ACCESS is composed of Administrative Units.  Each unit is supported by Teacher Leaders who serve as model teachers providing support and training within the Administrative Unit.  


Teacher Leaders include:


Regional EL Liasons (RELLs)

Regional EL Liasons participate in Professional Development designed to build skill in the areas of program development, materials selection and quality EL instruction.  This Teacher Leader assists in coordination of EL staff development opportunities, provides direct teacher coaching and modeling of research-based instructional strategies within the region and for the division.  Monthly meetings and/or trainings grow their leadership and technical skills enabling them to directly impact instruction within their respective regions. 

Project GLAD Coaches (GLADiators)

Project GLAD is a powerful and academically challenging ELD instructional model that promotes high levels of proficiency in English.  Project GLAD training provides intensive professional development to teachers of English Learners, and one of the best things about the training is that the teachers will be able to see the strategies being taught in action!  When teachers are able to see the strategies being demonstrated with students, it makes all the more sense to them and improves the likelihood of implementation at the classroom level. 

Character-Based Literacy Liasons (CBLLs)

CBL Liasons model the delivery of the Santa Clara University's Markkula Center for Applied Ethics program of Character-Based Literacy.  This is the ACCESS adopted ELA program for 9-12 grade students.  CBL Liasons provide direct teacher support to fellow educators using the CBL program of quarterly character themed literature units.