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Teacher Authorization

Any teacher assigned to provide instruction to English learners (ELs) will need an authorization for instruction to ELs in addition to an authorization in the content area of instruction. The authorization is based on the rights and needs of the students to an appropriate education.

The California Education Code substantiates the need for individuals to hold an appropriate authorization prior to providing instructional services, including EL services. The pertinent statutes include: EC Section 44001, EC Section 44830(a), EC Section 44831, and particularly EC Section 44253.1, which reads:

. . . For these pupils to have access to quality education, their special needs must be met by teachers who have essential skills and knowledge related to English language development, specially designed content instruction delivered in English, and content instruction delivered in the pupils' primary languages . . . All ACCESS teachers providing instructional services to English learners are EL authorized. 

CCTC Certification Guidelines: